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My Covid-19 Story

A diary of having Covid

From a patient's lived experience


After two years of having parosmia and not fully recovered from it,

I tested positive for Covid-19 in April of 2021.

Once again, I lost my sense of smell and taste...

Read                            from before I had Covid.

  • 4-17-2021 I noticed cold symptoms starting today with a slight cough.

  • 4-19-2021 Coffee is not tasting as bad as it used to. Hmm... It's even palatable without cinnamon.

  • 4-21-2021 Uh Oh... I think I'm loosing my taste and smell again. I can eat the chocolate that I couldn't tolerate the taste of for the past 2 years. Maybe I'll regain all the good tastes and smells when I'm over this cold? One can hope.

  • 4-22-2021 I get hot and cold but no fever. I have no nasal congestion and no runny nose but I think I sound “stuffy”. Still have a cough.

  • 4-24-2021 Got tested for covid today. The test made me sneeze. I have noticed that the inside of my nose is very sensitive. When I breath through my nose, I get a headache.

April 25, 2021 ++++++ Positive covid test ++++++


I was trying so hard to quarantine so I wouldn't get Covid and I got it anyway. Thanks a lot to “you know who you are” for giving it to me. Now I'm back to the beginning with anosmia again. So frustrating and depressing.

  • 4-27-2021 Cuyahoga County Board of Health called and said I can stop my quarantine tomorrow if I don't have a fever for 24 hours. That would be 10 full days since I noticed my symptoms. Other family members in my household had negative covid tests today.

  • 4-28-2021 Good news... Since I can't taste anything, I can eat real meat in a decent meal because it won't taste nasty. But now I don't have an appetite.

  • 4-29-2021 Today I woke up with my eye being swollen and itchy. It's not red or watery. I don't have a runny or stuffy nose. The only problem I have is that my nose is irritated inside so breathing through my nose causes headaches and now swollen & itchy eyes. Also, I've had really bad vertigo and can't focus or concentrate on anything.

The swollen eye made me nervous so I called my doctor today. They won't let me come into the office so I had to schedule an online virtual Dr. visit. He said there was not much I can do except let the virus run it's course and take over the counter cough medication and Tylenol for fever and/or headaches.

  • 4-30-2021 I thought I have been dizzy and nauseous. Today proves I have vertigo. I fell down the basement stairs while doing laundry. My whole left side is sore and bruised now. From my shoulder, to my back and down to my ankle.


  • 5-1-2021(Saturday) Ohio Department of Health called. According to them, my quarantine can end Monday. That will be 2 weeks (14 days) since symptoms started.

  • 5-2-2021 I haven't taken any medicine today. I have “medicine head”. I feel like I have some cold medication in my system. No sneezing, coughing, runny nose, swollen eyes. Just dizzy and itchy nose. Still have insomnia. Maybe the sleeplessness is the cause of my “brain fog”.

  • 5-3-2021 Headache that won't go away, upset stomach, insomnia, anxiety attacks and my internet isn't working very well. That's it for today.

  • 5-7-2021Ohio Department of health called. They said that I'm immune for 3 months. So that's a good thing.

  • 5-10-2021 Department of health called again. We had a bad phone connection so the conversation was short and to the point. Our household's quarantine should be done now.

  • 5-23-2021 Finger hurts every morning after falling down the stairs.

  • 5-24-2021 Cough & slight headache.

  • 5-26-2021 Cough and bad headache. I was able to schedule an in-person Dr appointment today (in-person visit as opposed to a virtual visit). He ordered a chest x-ray and prescribed a steroid.

  • 5-28-2021 I called my Dr about my test results and to ask for an antibiotic for the cough. My chest x-ray was normal. Yea...

My Symptoms: vertigo, nausea, upset stomach, anosmia, hot & cold without fever, insomnia, slight cough, no congestion, swollen and itchy eye, headache, unable to concentrate, "brain fog", backache with a bruised & scratched left side of body from falling...

  • 6-7-2021 I think I have been able to smell some things very faintly. Slight good and slight bad parosmia smells. But I can't taste flavor just sweet and salty.

  • 6-12-2021 Cooking bacon is starting to smell bad again but I can only taste the saltiness of it.

  • 6-14-2021 Still have a slight cough especially at night.

  • 6-15-2021 My stomach hasn't been feeling well yesterday and today.

  • 6-16-2021 Bad smells are getting more noticeable. Cooking chicken didn't smell good but I couldn't taste it.

  • 6-19-2021 I'm noticing the bad parosmia smell of coffee, although not as strong as before Covid. But it tastes like hot water. It's so weird.

  • 6-18-2021 My eyes still feel and look swollen every morning. I also have random itchy spots. This week it's been on my right arm, the other side of my elbow. I never had that problem before Covid. Benadryl doesn't help.

  • 6-20-2021 (Father's Day) I made french toast. I couldn't smell it cooking and I couldn't taste it. Everyone in the house said it was good. My stomach is still bothering me.

  • 6-21-2021 I have a slight headache today. Will I ever feel normal again...

  • 6-23-2021 Woke up this morning with swollen eyes and itchy arm again.

  • 7-1-2021 Itchy arm isn't too itchy anymore although the itchy spot is now dried out. My eyes are still swollen every morning and my eyelids also have the dry skin area like the itchy arm spot.

  • July 4, 2021 Grilling burgers is smelling bad again

  • 7-9-2021 Yup, parosmia is returning...

  • 7-10-2021 Grilled chicken didn't taste right today but everyone else liked it.

  • 7-17-2021 Today marks three months since I first started with covid symptoms. I feel like the parosmia smell is stronger today. So, maybe that's a good thing, a sign of healing... but it's not pleasant to live with.

  • 7-18-2021 Went to a park today to enjoy the nice weather. The park was crowded but not overcrowded. It was nice to see people outside. Then it hit me... The many really bad smell of grilled meat. I had to leave. After, we couldn't decide on a restaurant to eat at because I didn't want to go inside where the smell of cooking would be. By the time I got home, I didn't want to eat anything.

  • 8-1-2021 Anosmia is turning into parosmia again. Smells are making me nauseous. And a bad scent can get "stuck" (smell lock) in my nose for hours after the smell is gone.

  • 8-3-2021 Breathing through my nose has been giving me a headache for the past few days.

  • 8-8-2021 Watermelon turned to the bad side for me today. Last summer it was a good go to refreshing fruit with my parosmia. Today it tastes rotten. So sad. Also, I woke up to some smell that wasn't good. I thought it was eggs cooking. I had to hide in the bedroom with the door closed and the ceiling fan on to air out the room. Later I found out it was banana bread baking. I would have never guessed banana bread from that smell.

  • 8-12-2021 I still can't taste some flavors. Just the sweet or salt intensity. 

  • 8-19-2021 Today I could eat fried chicken and Jojo potatoes because I couldn't smell or taste it. Is this normal? In and out of anosmia?

  • 9-1-2021 The dish washing soap that I used to tolerate when I had parosmia before I had Covid, is starting to make me nauseous now. This is bad. How do I wash the dishes now? I don't have a dish washer. I have always washed the dishes by hand. This is the second time it made me feel sick recently.

  • 9-6-2021 (Labor Day) Today's new strange smell observation: barbecue and skunk smell the same.     

6 months after having covid:

  • 10-8-2021 I think I smelled "fresh cut grass" today. It was only one whiff and then it was gone but I haven't smelled that particular scent in two years.

  • 10-15-2021 I've been getting headaches when I breath through my nose again. I wake up with a headache in the morning and it lasts most of the day.

  • 10-20-2021 Hamburgers definitely still smell bad. I can't be in the same room with then. Definitely can't eat them.

  • 10-21-2021 Ivory soap in the shower smells bad now. I don't know what it smells like but it's not Ivory soap. I never had a problem with soap smelling bad in the shower but I've heard others who had this issue.

  • 10-25-2021 I made soup with vegetable broth and noodles. It smelled and tasted like rotten pumpkins. That's the best way I can describe it. I'm thinking it was because the vegetable stock had onions and garlic in it. There were no pumpkins involved in making the soup. And there was no pumpkin spice anywhere around.

  • 10-28-2021 (Parosmia is getting worse.) The weather was nice for a late October day, today. When I opened the car windows when I was out, I became nauseous from all the greasy smells of fast food restaurants, fried smells from Krispy Kreme donuts and the exhaust from the cars all around me. I had to make it a short outing because I couldn't handle any more bad smells.

  • 10-30-2021 I'm super sensitive anywhere I go now. If I visit someone at their house, I can smell the inside of their house on the person's clothes when we are outside. This is before I even go inside the house. Every house is different. Fresh paint smell or air freshener smell or cooking smell or someone's perfume smell. It makes me sick. Either headaches or nausea or I just can't stand breathing in the house anymore. I have to get out.

  • 10-31-2021 It's definitely getting worse. I wake up and not even getting out of bed, I can smell something. I don't know what it is but it's not good. It makes my nose hurt inside when I breathe. This is probably why I've been getting headaches in the morning. I just want to sleep and not go anywhere now.

Six month summery after having covid. Parosmia is getting bad again. Between the time I had covid and now, I can describe my condition as muted parosmia with hyposmia (a diminished sense of smell). Not as bad as the parosmia I had before I had covid, but still there. I also still have anosmia for some things, like fresh flowers. I'm becoming super sensitive to smells every where I go. I can't get away from smells, inside or outside.


  • 11-9-2021 Today I have been smelling a "garbage" smell in my living room. There is nothing in the room that would smell bad like trash and nobody else in the house smells it.

  • 11-13-2021 Today there is a lingering smell of "rotting oranges" in my house. No one else smells it. If I'm sleeping I can't smell it. But as soon as I wake up the smell is terrible again.

  • 11-20-2021 Every room in my house smells like garbage. The trash has been taken out and nobody can smell it but me. It's making me nauseous.

  • 11-21-2021 I woke up with a headache probably from smelling the garbage smell all night.

  • Thanksgiving 2021 I cooked the Thanksgiving meal for my family. I made a few new recipes, crock pot mashed potatoes, honey roasted sweet potatoes and homemade cranberry sauce. I could eat and enjoy these new recipes. I may change them slightly for the future. I could not eat the turkey. I tasted too much like rotten chicken smell to me. Pumpkin pie was also not tasting good to me.


  • I still smell the garbage smell every day in my house but the outside world has worse smells every where I go. Even in my car and inside other cars.

  • Christmas party at a steak restaurant. Steak smells and tastes disgusting with my parosmia and this was the first time I've been inside a restaurant since the pandemic started. We had to walk through the restaurant to the private party room, through all the smells of steak and everything else. It was not good even with a mask on. I ordered salmon with veggies. I could eat half of it along with pretzel rolls and a salad wedge. My mask was on and off over and over the whole time. By the end of the night, I was so hot and nauseous in that stuffy little room. I had to leave to get some fresh air.

To Be Continued...

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