The first Parosmia Awareness Day is set for June 27, 2022.
This day was chosen because it is 4 months after Anosmia Awareness Day which is the approximate amount of time that parosmia develops for someone who is recovering from anosmia. (Parosmia is a distorted sense of smell. Anosmia is total loss of smell.)
The parosmia awareness ribbon color is burnt orange to represent the burning smell that is sometimes associated with parosmia and it is a color variation of the red anosmia
awareness ribbon.
Awareness is needed for:
health - parosmia can lead to many other health issues if the person can't eat normally
safety - because we can't smell a gas leak, spoiled food, or something burning
professional knowledge - doctors need to know how to help patients (not just dismissing them without a follow-up & recovery plan)
research - to understand how parosmia happens and to develop diagnostic tools and treatments for a successful recovery
public education - to help others understand that parosmia is a real condition
acknowledgement - that parosmia is an invisible disability. It is the loss of two of the five senses which is depressing and difficult to live with
new product development - food products, personal care products and home cleaning products that could help those who are living with parosmia
environmental adjustments - work, school and restaurants are difficult places for people with parosmia to be in
Parosmia has always been around. It is not just because of Covid. There are many other causes. Covid only made it more prevalent.
Awareness is one of the best ways to spread information about a cause to those who don't know anything about it and for those who need help with it.
Let's all work together to spread parosmia awareness for the future. I welcome any advise and help with promoting parosmia awareness. Please contact me through this website with your suggestions.