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Six months after Covid-19

Here I am, over 6 months after having covid. Parosmia is getting bad again. Between the time I had covid and now, I can describe my condition as muted parosmia with hyposmia (a diminished sense of smell). Not as bad as the parosmia I had before I had covid, but still there. I also still have anosmia for some things, like fresh flowers. I'm becoming super sensitive to smells every where I go. I can't get away from smells, inside or outside.

The following is from my covid story diary:

  • 10-8-2021 I think I smelled "fresh cut grass" today. It was only one whiff and then it was gone but I haven't smelled that particular scent in two years.

  • 10-15-2021 I've been getting headaches when I breath through my nose again. I wake up with a headache in the morning and it lasts most of the day.

  • 10-20-2021 Hamburgers definitely still smell bad. I can't be in the same room with then. I definitely can't eat them.

  • 10-21-2021 Ivory soap in the shower smells bad now. I don't know what it smells like but it's not Ivory soap. I never had a problem with soap smelling bad in the shower but I've heard others who had this issue.

  • 10-25-2021 I made soup with vegetable broth and noodles. It smelled and tasted like rotten pumpkins. That's the best way I can describe it. I'm thinking it was because the vegetable stock had onions and garlic in it. There were no pumpkins involved in making the soup. And there was no pumpkin spice anywhere around.

  • 10-28-2021 (Parosmia is getting worse.) The weather was nice for a late October day, today. When I opened the car windows when I was out, I became nauseous from all the greasy smells of fast food restaurants, fried smells from Krispy Kreme donuts and the exhaust from the cars all around me. I had to make it a short outing because I couldn't handle any more bad smells.

  • 10-30-2021 I'm super sensitive anywhere I go now. If I visit someone at their house, I can smell the inside of their house on the person's clothes when we are outside. This is before I even go inside the house. Every house is different. Fresh paint smell or air freshener smell or cooking smell or someone's perfume smell. It makes me sick. Either headaches or nausea or I just can't stand breathing in the house anymore. I have to get out.

  • 10-31-2021 It's definitely getting worse. I wake up and not even getting out of bed, I can smell something. I don't know what it is but it's not good. It makes my nose hurt inside when I breathe. This is probably why I've been getting headaches in the morning. I just want to sleep and not go anywhere now.


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